Wednesday, March 16, 2011

NOME cont

I'm back.
Went to dinner at the Airport Pizza. Not at the airport but.....they will fly pizza anyplace in Alaska, so they advertise. All the mushers were there, the Seaveys, Ramey Smyth and others. Dan Seavey came over to talk with us. We told him our thoughts on the Iditarod organization as we saw it etc. He is interested as he is on the Board. We had a nice talk also about family, dogs, his life etc. Interesting guy and so very nice.
Came back late but will get up if the siren blows.
The siren blew at midnite for Jessie Royer. I got up with nightgown on, boots and my parka--so did everyone else. As we are in the Nugget Inn we can go out to the balcony and watch from there. Right in front of us. It was freezing but...who cared!! Then the announcement " we have dogs on Front St" "wait, we have two headlites on Front St. what's going on!!?? Just so happened it was Ken Anderson as well. FIght to the finish--exciting. Ken won by one second Ken:12:23 and 16 seconds. Jessie 12:23 and 17 seconds!!
Then at 1am the siren blew again for DeeDee Jonrowe. Up again. Had two guys naked with just underpants on jumping rope waiting for DeeDee. I was freezing in my parka and they were out there for a long time. See what booze can do "for" you--keep you warm, or so you think! Again, "we have dogs on Front St" wait, two head lamps again. It was DeeDee and Aliy Zirkle. Who knew....Alily beat DeeDee. Alily 1:22am DeeDee 1:24. It looked closer than that. You certainly can tell DeeDee as her dogs have pink booties and she has a pink parka.
That is it for tonight!!!

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